
David Price zum Vertriebsleiter für Großbritannien und Irland ernannt

Veröffentlicht auf 01.10.2024

Morubel N.V. | a Cooke Inc. company is pleased to announce that, as today, David Price has been appointed as our new Sales Manager UK & Ireland.
Based in the London, Mr. Price brings a wealth of experience and fresh ideas to our team, and we are thrilled seeing David make his first steps in the Cooke family of companies. Welcome on board David!

Morubel is your leading shrimp processor in Western Europe that cultivates, processes, packs and distributes shrimp and other seafood products.
Vertically integrated in the Cooke Inc. family of companies we have diversified operations in Europe including Bioriginal Europe/Asia B.V. in The Netherlands, Cooke Scotland, Cooke España and Morubel. Cooke’s core purpose is ‘To cultivate the ocean with care, nourish the world, provide for our families, and build stronger communities’

MORUBEL feiert 70 Jahre Liebe zu Meeresfrüchten

Veröffentlicht auf 25.01.2024

70years.  It's been a long journey.

And this long journey would not have been possible without the support of our employees, customers, stakeholders and suppliers who have been loyal to us all these years.

A very long way has come from processing fish in 1954 to processing shrimp in 2024.
There are better working conditions, attention to food safety, sustainability and transport.
But in all that time, one thing has remained unchanged: the love for our profession!

And this will remain the case for a long time because we are ready for the next 70 years!


Johan Brouwer wird zum Executive Tiefkühl-Verkaufsleiter für Europa ernannt

Veröffentlicht auf 01.10.2023

Cooke Inc. is pleased to announce that Johan Brouwer has been appointed as the new Managing Director of Morubel and Executive Frozen Sales Leader for Cooke Europe.

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Übernahme von Morubel durch Cooke Seafood

Veröffentlicht auf 12.08.2024

Cooke Inc. (“Cooke”) acquired NV Morubel, the leading shrimp factory in Western-Europe that cultivates, processes, packs and distributes shrimp and other seafruits.

Morubel distributes his leading organic and freezed products to clients and retail in the foodservice and food industry over all of Europe, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxemburg, Italy and France.

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Finalist Excellence Global Seafood

Veröffentlicht auf 01.05.2018

We are very proud to announce that we are nominated as a finalist in the Seafood Excellence Global awards competition. We did get the nomination for our Tasty Bag products. The competition takes place on the Seafood Expo Global expo in Brussels on the 7th and 9th of mai 2019.

Das war SEG 2017

Veröffentlicht auf 01.05.2017

As every year, we were present at the Seafood Expo Global in Brussels from the 25th until 27th of April. This was the first year we presented ourselves as the shrimp group Shore NV.

Focus on our chilled seafood range, own organic vannamei and machine peeled North Sea shrimp were well received. We had a beautiful stand, loads of visitors AND we were finalist in the Seafood Excellence Global awards with our fresh clean label North Sea shrimp. Talking about a successful edition! 

Joint Venture: Morubel/Ristic und die niederländische Telson

Veröffentlicht auf 01.07.2016

GBC, owner of the Belgian Morubel NV and the German Ristic GmbH becomes
co-shareholder of the DutchTelson BV.

GBC will take a participation of 50% in Telson B.V. This means that the group of companies with a strong position in frozen tropical shrimp with Morubel and Ristic, now also accesses the chilled segment...

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Eine neue Garnele in unserem Produktportfolio!

Veröffentlicht auf 01.07.2015

New in our product assortment is the Argentine red shrimp, Pleoticus muelleri.
This beautiful red coloured cold water shrimp caught along the Argentine coast has a firm texture and sweet taste.
Available as whole shrimp, unpeeled tails, easy peel or peeled pud or pd  shrimp.  
See our product section for more information, or contact our sales department.
Packed under your brand, Morubel retail brand or Elite foodservice brand.

Morubel schließt sich mit der German Ristic AG zusammen

Veröffentlicht auf 01.07.2014

GBC, owner of  Morubel nv, and Peter Ristic,  owner of Ristic AG, based in Germany announced today  that they have reached an agreement for the acquisition of all outstanding shares of Ristic and the Costa Rican entities by GBC. After completion of the transaction and approval of the relevant authorities, Morubel and Ristic will join forces and become the leading party in the European frozen shrimp market with a unique sustainability proposition.

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Morubel über Sklavenarbeit in der Garnelenproduktion in Thailand

Veröffentlicht auf 12.06.2014

Aufgrund der aktuellen Presseinformationen über möglichen Arbeitsrechtsmissbrauch bei CP Thailand und den Fragen unserer Kunden bezüglich der Herkunft der von Morubel gelieferten Produkte möchten wir klarstellen, dass wir in den letzten 14 Monaten keine Garnelen aus Thailand gekauft haben.

Morubel ist Mitglied der BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) und wir führen regelmäßig Sozialaudits bei unseren Lieferanten in Risikoländern durch. Wir sind uns bewusst, dass soziale Gerechtigkeit ein wachsender Prozess ist, der nicht über Nacht erreicht werden kann. Durch Sozialaudits können wir jedoch gezielte Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung einleiten und die Einhaltung sozialer Standards in unserer Lieferkette überwachen.

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